The recipe of our food is prepared in compliance with the standards worked out by the specialists of PUPIL Institute of Animal Nutrition. Meals for our four-legged friends are cooked exclusively from natural ingredients, without any artificial additives, preservatives, food colourings, flavourings or aromas. Raw materials come only from proven and known over years local suppliers cultivating their crops and breeding their livestock away from large polluted industrial centres.
Humans and animals get sick for the same reasons. The condition of our animals is influenced by genetics, diet, lifestyle, stress and environment. Seeing the growing problem of our four-legged friends becoming ill, we have developed a line of veterinary diets, which support the pharmacological treatment prescribed by the veterinarian, because the link between nutrition and the health of the animal is obvious.
Scientists at the Pupil Institute of Animal Nutrition developed the recipes, which respond precisely to the specific needs of the pet.
VET RESPONSE includes:
- RENAL — food to support kidney function, in cases of chronic and temporary kidney failure (dry dog food, wet food for dogs and cats).
- GASTROINTESTINAL — food recommended for dogs with intestinal absorption disorders, with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, to compensate for digestive disorders, to support correct nutrition, when an easily digestible food is recommended (dry food for dogs and cats, wet food for dogs and cats).
- WEIGHT-BALANCE — food recommended for the reduction of excess body weight (dry food for dogs and cats, wet food for dogs and cats).
- HYPOALLERGENIC — food recommended for the reduction of intolerances to ingredients and nutrients, skin support for dermatoses and hair loss (dry food for dogs and cats).
Treating animals like members of the family is very close to our hearts, hence, we benefit from our knowledge and experience, to help beloved pets stay in the best possible condition.